Today, how many of you cherish the essence of organic soaps?
None it seems, as you all are busy running after the commercial ads giving out big promises. Well, while they are assuring you delicate skin, flawless face, do you know the level of chemicals they use?
These chemicals and sulphate based products may look shiny and glamorous on the TV ads, but in reality you’re feeding your skin with poison. We are so busy trying to be like the models on television that we forget to enhance our own beauty. But, you know what? If you come out of this blinded perception of being someone lese and look beyond, you’ll find that our country hid the solution all along!
Indian handmade organic soaps made by our indigenous soapers are the secret behind the flawless skin of our ancestors. These soap makers infuse organic compounds like glycerine, natural essential oils, vegetable fats etc.
Moreover, none of these soaps use any chemical compounds and are handmade by heating and freezing. The best part, these unique soaps last long too, and in reality feeds the skin what it needs. Lavender, fragrant oils, lemongrass, rose petals, kesar, chandan, sandalwood and fruity extracts are some of the major components used for organic soaps.
So, the next time you wish to have soft glowing skin, pick your own country first, and don’t chase after celebrities promising you glowing white skin.
Engage your skin with these delicate enhancers, and make your skin glow with a new found radiance.
The platform of Indian Imprints wishes to bring these sub-continentals soap makers to surface. These soapers have for time immemorial provided us with the best skin care, nevertheless we don’t give them enough credence.
Come, let’s unite and celebrate these talents and use our indigenous products for a change!
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