This ancient epic in Hindu mythology introduces us to a multitude of characters from good to evil. The story revolves around the tussle between five Pandavas and hundred Kauravas and the battle of Kurukshetra.
Since childhood, we have been hearing about these stories from our grandparents and how they affect our lives. Remember that holy book called Gita bind in golden paperback and covered with red clothes lying on the cleanest shelf of your dadima’s room?
This holy book contains the preaching of Krishna to Arjun, one of the five Pandavas on the battlefield. The book is all about karma and moksha that form the building blocks of our religion & ethics and how we should live our lives.
Apart from this, Mahabharata is a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration that our ancestors have inculcated in their daily lives, forming the base of our culture.
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